How Many People Can Be on Spotify Premium

Spotify vs Soundcloud, a hot debate in 2022 for audiophiles and brands around the globe – well, not anymore. We're here to settle this contend once and for all!

Sure, though the debate is perhaps not as hotly contentious every bit the war between Apple Music and Spotify users, information technology is nevertheless an argument that'due south had ofttimes. In this new decade, you need to be smart about your music streaming platforms and find the ane that works right for what you lot demand.

Every bit two massive streaming platforms, Spotify and Soundcloud both have their advantages and disadvantages. What's more than, they both fill 2 completely separate niches; Spotify provides a curated, expansive music streaming service for casual listeners and music fanatics alike. Soundcloud, on the other paw, is a drastically unlike platform, well-known for allowing startup artists and rappers to go a foot in the door.

The truth is that, for the vast majority of users, Spotify is the better choice betwixt the two. Its piece of cake-to-apply interface coupled with a broad selection of music caters to most listeners who just desire a fantastic music app. Yes, there are certainly people out at that place who prefer Soundcloud for a host of reasons. Still, Spotify remains the champion in this duel, and it's the best choice for most users and artists.


The Winner – Spotify vs Soundcloud

Spotify champions our listing for numerous reasons. Its ease-of-use and library size are virtually unmatched, and there's no better place to detect the latest and greatest in music. On top of that, the curated playlists and "For You" options that Spotify's algorithms dig upwards are admittedly brilliant, and you'll encounter nothing that compares to information technology on Soundcloud.

For example, we'd say the "Find Weekly" is mayhap the cyberspace's #1 way to observe new music, bar none. There'southward nothing in other apps (not even YouTube) that has the same tastemaking capabilities. Nosotros don't know what they're feeding that algorithm (except, maybe, all the music we heed to, ever), merely information technology's working.

Music download and offline use have also never been more seamless with Spotify, making it superbly like shooting fish in a barrel to mind to tunes on a long road trip or airplane ride without a care for cell betoken. Spotify likewise boasts premium sound quality, much college than the quality that Soundcloud provides.

Spotify Comparison Winner

So if that'south all you need, then click here to go to our winner'southward website.

If you'd like to go deeper, please keep to our in-depth review.

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This article was updated in March 2021

Our Inquiry

In the quest to determine whether Spotify or Soundcloud is the right streaming platform for you lot, it'southward important to ask yourself a few basic questions.

Questions to Inquire Yourself Before Deciding

1. What Are Your Needs?

Every music listener has different needs. Full-time music junkies may mind as much equally ten or twelve hours (or more, believe it or non) a day, whereas casual listeners may simply listen in one case in a while. Determining what type of listener you are, besides as what type of music yous similar, is critical in figuring out the streaming platform for yous.

For most people, Spotify volition be the reply here. It has a gigantic library filled with some of the near pop music, and indie fans to pop fanatics will discover something to dear here. Availability is considerably lower on Soundcloud. Instead, most listeners flock to Soundcloud to check out lo-fi producers and up-and-coming rappers. If this isn't you, Soundcloud might not be the right choice.

Besides, proceed in mind that Spotify's algorithm is 2nd-to-none. If you lot're a full-on music lover that loves discovering new bands or entire genres, Spotify is going to be your jam. You tin get lost in its creative person radios, or by having information technology create impromptu playlists based on your tastes. It's one of the easiest, virtually thrilling ways to notice artists you didn't even know you could beloved. Young, old, indie or chart-topping artists have a place in Spotify's algorithm. The lowdown is: Spotify absolutely wins this round. The only caveat, every bit nosotros said, is that Soundcloud is going to be better to get to know truly undercover artists with demos, lo-fi EPs, and live performances.

ii. What is Your Situation?

Anybody has different needs in their walks through life, and considering your situation is key to evaluating the Spotify versus Soundcloud fence.

  • Beginning Artist

If you are a startup music artist, you lot're likely looking to get as much exposure as possible. Both platforms are a corking manner to do this, only you may accept a hard time gaining traction on Soundcloud if you don't fit into the more popular niches. Spotify, notwithstanding, is popular for all genres and types of music.

Soundcloud Stats

  • Total-Fledged Artist

Y'all're a successful music artist, probably going on bout, and living the dream. Cracking! Your audition is going to be bigger on Spotify, as it'southward the most popular music streaming service in the earth. Soundcloud is definitely worth a look, but Spotify is where you'll exist able to connect with almost of your listeners. Being on Spotify is much like beingness on social media; whether you want to or not, you'll definitely make tons of contacts by beingness on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram. Spotify works in much the same way by providing listeners with an immediate opportunity to get to know your audio without whatsoever fuss. While it'due south 2nd only to Apple Music in the United states of america, information technology's got the most worldwide users, with over 300 million, of which 168 million are subscribers. That's a big window-shopping opportunity, if you ask us.

Spotify for Artists

  • Company or Brand

A company or brand evaluating the two platforms takes an entirely unlike wait at the state of affairs: audio ads. Spotify and Soundcloud both run audio ads, and sometimes it can be difficult for brands to determine which platform is better to advertise on.

<If you want to learn how Marketing your Audio Ads can brand them more than effective, read our special postal service>

Spotify has a much larger and more diverse audience than Soundcloud, meaning that the bulk of businesses volition notice information technology more bonny to advertise on Spotify. This doesn't mean that audio ads on Soundcloud are completely useless, but Spotify is the obvious pick for many. Spotify is a little scrap riskier with its ads too. Much like Pandora, it's investing in the new trend of interactive ads with vox recognition. Equally if it wasn't bad plenty to have our ears, soon enough they'll have united states of america talking back also!


Factors We Looked at in the Spotify vs Soundcloud Argue

We took a ton of factors into account when coming to our decision almost which platform to crown king. Hither are some of the biggest ones.


For well-nigh users, budget and pricing is going to be a huge decision-maker.

Spotify's pricing goes like this:

  • Free

With the free, ad-supported version of Spotify, users tin mind to unlimited music, just are interrupted with ads every so often, and cannot cull certain songs. Instead, users tin hit shuffle on a playlist. This tin exist a drawback for many, but casual listeners may find information technology a slap-up value. Until they take that one recurring ad causing an unwanted suspension in the middle of a house political party. Darnit!

  • Paid

At $9.99/month for its standard pricing, Spotify Premium offers a transformative music listening experience. Users will get access to higher audio quality than the complimentary version. Ads are removed, users can download and listen to music offline, and users tin also select the song they desire to listen to. They'll also get admission to listening to downloaded albums, and even early admission to new releases! That's right, some artists take even agreed to let Spotify Premium users take access to their new albums upward to two weeks in accelerate from everyone else!

Spotify Pricing

Soundcloud'southward pricing organization looks like this:

  • Gratuitous

The free version of Soundcloud is likely what nigh people are accustomed to using. With the free version, massive amounts of music are available. From modest indie artists to popular superstars, all sorts of music can exist plant here. The free version has ads and does not allow users to download music for offline utilise.

  • Paid

Soundcloud offers two divide subscription plans for users, Soundcloud Go and Soundcloud Get+. They're priced at $iv.99/month and $9.99/month, respectively. Both plans offering advertizing-complimentary streaming, offline listening, and a plethora of tracks all in i place. Soundcloud Go+ has even more than tracks than the standard Get plan.

Soundcloud Prices

Budget Verdict

Spotify Premium is the clear winner when it comes to consumer plans. Information technology offers a huge pick of high-quality music at an splendid price. Soundcloud, nonetheless, is a smashing option for those on a tight budget. Its free version offers a whole ton of features, and the Go programme at $4.99/month comes in cheaper than Spotify Premium.

On the whole, even so, in the Spotify vs Soundcloud Debate in terms of budget, Spotify Premium is the amend plan when it comes to budget. Information technology's got more than features, a bigger variety of music, early access to new releases, and more. And the family plans are pretty dandy as well, if you ask usa.

Ease of Use

An intuitive user interface and great functionality are both things that users and brands akin look at when checking out streaming services. We put Spotify and Soundcloud head to caput, and we came out with a clear winner.

  • Spotify

Spotify is incredibly piece of cake. It has a smooth interface that is quite simple to get familiar with, and just a couple of taps can get you lot listening to some of your favorite music apace. The pattern both on desktop and mobile is fantastic, and information technology'south truly one of the easiest-to-utilize platforms out at that place.

Not only is its interface incredibly easy to use, but it likewise makes it very unproblematic to access every feature. You don't have to go through a million menus to go to the advanced features here. It's all very upfront and straightforward.

  • Soundcloud

Every bit whatever popular streaming service should be, Soundcloud is as well easy to use. Information technology can exist a scrap chaotic and hard to navigate at times (especially to those who aren't familiar with the platform), but overall Soundcloud provides a dandy user experience.

Ease of Utilize Verdict

It was a tough call on this i, but we had to go with Spotify. There's a reason information technology's the virtually popular streaming service in the world. If 170 million people tin can use information technology, then you can, as well.

Spotify Versatility

Music Library Size

Both Soundcloud and Spotify accept massive music libraries. Just, which 1 is bigger? We did some research to notice out.

  • Spotify

Spotify boasts that it offers more than 50 meg tracks, which is a lot. The procedure to postal service music on Spotify is more than difficult than that of Soundcloud, and it is fair to say that music on Spotify can be generally considered premium quality.

If you want to go with established artists, or indie hopefuls with good production values, and then Spotify is definitely going to be your best friend. Music is curated, and sound quality is of a consistently loftier quality. At that place'south no way to go wrong here (except if y'all don't actually have peachy taste in music, but at least information technology'll sound dandy!).

  • Soundcloud

Soundcloud says it has over 125 million songs on its platform. This is significantly more than Spotify, but a large portion of this can be low-quality content. In that location are some bang-up songs on Spotify, but it is much easier to upload songs on Soundcloud, hence the reason it has and so many more than songs than Spotify.

As well, information technology's a nifty way to become to know new artists. Since its standards are lower than in Spotify, it's a great manner to notice upwardly-and-coming talent, and bands so new and unknown that they're the underground'due south underground.

Music Library Size Verdict

In a pure numbers game, nosotros accept to go with Soundcloud due to its vast music library. That said, Spotify generally does have more premium music. This makes this factor in the Spotify vs Soundcloud still up for debate.

Intelligence (Algorithms)

Both Spotify and Soundcloud have personalized music feeds for their users–permit's see which one is better.
This is how each Spotify vs Soundcloud stack upwardly in terms of their algorithms:

  • Spotify

Spotify's algorithms are well-known equally beingness some of the most useful and intelligent out there. The algorithms clarify your music listening patterns and find music that suits your taste. A true fan favorite is Spotify'due south Discover Weekly playlist, a personalized weekly playlist. One time you've been listening to Spotify for at least a few weeks, its algorithms will be able to start putting together weekly playlists that suit your gustatory modality and introduce you to new music that you'll love.

  • Soundcloud

Though not necessarily equally complicated as Spotify's algorithms, Soundcloud does offer users a personalized music feed of their own. Based on what you lot listen to, Soundcloud will curate songs in like genres or by similar creative person that information technology thinks you might enjoy.

Intelligence (Algorithms) Verdict

Spotify wins out on this one due to its renowned algorithms and ability to match users with new music they love.

Spotifys Algorithms


Nosotros all want music nosotros tin accept on road trips, hikes, and other sorts of adventures where nosotros're not certain there will be Wi-Fi. Luckily, both of these platforms are quite versatile with their download options.

  • Spotify

Spotify Premium allows music downloads for offline listening. It downloads in loftier-quality audio that will keep listeners happy for days, and you'll never need to worry about having cell service over again. There is a download limit of ten thousand songs, which is more than plenty to satisfy pretty much any music aficionado.

  • Soundcloud

Many Soundcloud artists offer downloads through their websites or through the platform itself, merely to download virtually songs, you'll need i of the premium versions of Soundcloud.

Versatility Verdict

Premium plans for both Spotify and Soundcloud let music downloads, so it'southward tough to declare a winner. Notwithstanding, Spotify takes the cake when it comes to library size and audio quality, so it does win for our versatility category.

Spotify Download


We all dear sharing music, whether that is uploading our own original tunes or showing some neat music to friends.
But which platform allows you to exercise then in a more seamless mode?

  • Spotify

The Spotify Premium Family Programme gives you six Spotify Premium accounts for a discounted monthly subscription. When it comes to ease of upload for artists, Spotify can be a bit more than rigorous than Soundcloud,

only it is all the same entirely possible to become on Spotify and share your music with the world. At that place are many tertiary-political party platforms and websites that brand the process fairly piece of cake to showtime sharing your ain original music on Spotify.

  • Soundcloud

Because Soundcloud's premium plans for users aren't quite as well-developed as Spotify's, they do not offering a shared or family unit plan. In terms of artists' ease of upload, Soundcloud is incredibly uncomplicated and easy-to-utilize, which is 1 of the reasons that and so many up-and-coming artists use the platform.

Share-Ability Verdict

Because of its reputation as a curator of premium music and its excellent family plan, Spotify is crowned king with share-ability. The family plan is swell for a family or group of friends, and up-and-coming artists are given chances to become their music out to a large audience on the platform.

Spotify Codes


Most people dearest loftier-quality music. We took a look at both platforms to make up one's mind which had a higher standard of music.
So this is how quality looks like in Spotify vs Soundcloud:

  • Spotify

In general, the quality of music on Spotify is superb. The audio quality is not bad, and the songs themselves are excellent. Spotify offers 96kpbs to mobile device users, and up to 320kpbs and higher on desktop. This is supreme audio quality and volition ensure your songs sound slap-up.

  • Soundcloud

On Soundcloud, quality tin be a mixed purse. In some cases, there are great songs produced and released by artists. In others, random user-uploaded songs can be downright awful. In terms of literal audio quality, Soundcloud clocks in at 64kpbs.

Quality Verdict

Spotify gets commencement identify for music quality, both in audio quality and the level of artists on the platform. There are peachy artists on both platforms, but the music on Spotify has a more than consistent level of quality for most listeners, and the technical audio quality as well exceeds that of Soundcloud.

Platform Potential

Every bit Spotify and Soundcloud both evolve and grow, it's important to proceed tabs on where each company is heading with their visions.

  • Spotify

Spotify is known as a highly intelligent platform. The company is relying more and more than on information analysis and algorithms to make the user experience a great ane. Spotify audio ads are also a corking opportunity for brands to get their message out there to people that desire to hear information technology.

Spotify for Brands

Spotify is always collecting user listening data and updating their algorithms. The potential for ameliorate audio advert experiences is in that location, and brands should be curious to find out what'southward coming next. With an audition as broad as Spotify's, there is limitless potential when it comes to audio advertising. Whatever Spotify has in shop for its users and algorithms, we tin can count on it to be keen.

  • Soundcloud

Soundcloud has been continuously adding more than consumer plans and updating the current ones, showing that their focus on becoming a platform more oriented to coincidental listening and user subscriptions is clear.

Platform Potential Verdict

From ad potential and brand recognition to high-level algorithms, Spotify's potential is through the roof. It'll be interesting to go along an eye on it in the coming years.


Final Thoughts on Spotify vs Soundcloud – Which Should I Apply?

Deciding which streaming platform to utilise comes downwardly to a host of factors, which is why the Spotify vs Soundcloud contend is upwardly there for a reason, particularly in 2021.

Small-time artists may prefer one over the other, and the same goes for brands and casual users. However, when putting all of the facts together, Spotify is the articulate choice for a premium music service offering something for everyone to relish. From high-quality audio to not bad plans and excellent potential for make promotion, Spotify provides rolls everything that anyone would want into one fantastic platform.

If you're looking for help with audio ads for either Spotify or Soundcloud, submit a project with Bunny Studio today!


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