How to Stream You Dont Know Jack

Fakin' It - Faker.png

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  • 1 Gameplay
    • one.1 Controllers
    • 1.2 Screws
  • 2 Question Types & Features
  • 3 Easter Eggs/Subconscious Features
    • 3.1 Gibberish Question Easter Egg
    • 3.two Rare Question Segues
    • 3.3 The Jack Attack Collision
  • iv Special Episodes
    • 4.1 Frasier Frenzy
    • 4.2 Special Guest! Jimmy Fallon
    • 4.3 Escape the Simulation
  • 5 Achievements
  • 6 Trivia

You Don't Know Jack: Full Stream (referred to internally, and in the controller app when joining a game, equally You Don't Know Jack 2018) is an entry in theYou Don't Know Jack serial, and was the first game announced for the Jackbox Political party Pack 5, releasing on October 17th, 2018. The game is hosted by Cookie Masterson, and is sponsored by the fictional, bizarre, and almost certainly evil streaming service Binjpipe. Information technology is the start You Don't Know Jack game to support 8 players and an audition of up to 10,000 people.


Like the other entries in the series, gameplay centers around answering trivia questions with pop civilisation twists (ex. "What emoji would I apply if I were throwing nightshade at all my haters on the internet?"). Players answer the question on their devices, and win $1,000 if they are right, or lose $1,000 if they are wrong or decline to answer ($ii,000 apiece in Circular 2). The time limit for each question is xx seconds (whether the "Extended timers" setting is enabled), but gains and losses are not tied to time remaining. Audience members tin reply questions as well, and players answering correctly will receive a greenbacks bonus equal to $1,000 times the proportion of audience answers that are wrong. Each game is split up into three rounds: 2 of five questions each, and the Jack Assail. After the Jack Attack, the player with the most money volition win.


Similar other Jackbox games, Full Stream is controlled with through a Spider web browser, and it is the get-go game in the serial to support only the Jackbox.television set controller.

The previous entry, 2015, required for multiplayer games, but immune singleplayer games to be played with a normal game controller (or mouse and keyboard on PC). However, the set controller in 2015 just consists of the 4 face buttons on the advisable platform (e.chiliad. ABXY with A on the bottom for PC and Xbox, ABXY with A on the right for Nintendo Switch, and shapes for Playstation), plus a pink "Spiral" button underneath. (In DisOrDats, unused buttons are grayed out, while in Jack Attacks, just the main push button is shown enlarged.)

In dissimilarity, the controller in Full Stream has a fluid layout that displays the text of the question and options on the device. This makes Total Stream play more similarly to other Jackbox Party Pack trivia games, like Fibbage and Trivia Murder Party.


Full Stream is the first game in the series to characteristic major changes to the screws since The Ride, and screws at present accept advantage of the mobile devices being used as controllers.

Dissimilar the previous games, screws tin can only be acquired during gameplay if the player does badly. Screws are given out to the players with the bottom score in the DisOrDat, and to the players with the lowest total score at the beginning of Round 2.

The screws in this game now affect all players who haven't answered the question, and instead of forcing them to respond the question, they mix upwardly the society of the answers and provide interface interference on a histrion's mobile device. Screw effects tin range from removing the vowels to having to scroll through a specially long terms of service. Round two screws have crazier and more annoying furnishings than those handed out during the DisOrDat.

Each blazon of screw and what information technology does[one]
Name Description
Fine Print The reply text size becomes very pocket-sized, requiring you to squint to read them.
Large Print The reply text size becomes very large, sometimes requiring you to gyre the screen.
Mirror, Mirror The unabridged screen becomes flipped, requiring a mirror or slightly more encephalon power.
Hashtagged The answers are now hashtags, requiring a general skim of a cardinal word in your respond.
Shades of Greyness The answers get a dark grey, requiring a brightness increase.
Disemvoweled The answers lose their vowels, requiring a basic skim to understand the answers.

(Note: On a question where the answers are numbers, this will accept no effect.)

Flipped The screen does a full 180, requiring a flip of your phone.
Countersign The answers are locked behind a password, requiring a fast typing.
Proper name Changer The game asks you to alter your name to any number of things.

(Note: If you win with a changed proper name, Cookie will read out your inverse name at the terminate simply the effect only lasts until the end of the game.)

Fake Terms of Service The game shows a massive wall of "terms of service" test, requiring fast scrolling followed by borer the "have" button at the very end.
Screensaver The answers float effectually the screen like the DVD logo, requiring good timing.

Question Types & Features

There are a variety of special question types, including 1 new question type along with returning question types. Typically, special questions are saved for the second half of the game, with a few exceptions.

DOD FS.png

Dis or Dat ($300)
In this game, Dis or Dats always occupy the slot of the third question slot in the first round. In Total Stream, everyone answers at the same time. The worst player(s) become(due south) a Spiral, merely but if they get 4 or less right. Each question has a fourth dimension limit of 5 seconds (ten seconds if "Extended timers" is enabled).

Gib FS.png

Gib Ans FS.png

Gibberish Question ($3,000)
The Gibberish Questions made their long awaited return to the mainstream YDKJ series in Full Stream (since Facebook). Everybody can blazon and submit their answer on their own device.
A nonsense phrase will be shown on the screen, and players must effigy out what common phrase it rhymes with. Over time, iii hints will be given out about the answer. The value of the question decreases over fourth dimension, and locks in for each player when they submit their answer. These questions exclusively appear in Round 2, and start out at $3,000.


Binjpipe Recommends [NEW]
Based on your past usage history, which option should Binjpipe recommend side by side to you?

Binjpipe Player's Choice.png

Player'south Option [NEW]
Binjpipe allows the player to choose between two options for the adjacent question. If it'southward fifty/50 or no-one picks annihilation, the choice is picked randomly.


Octopus, Coffee, Queen Elizabeth, or Frankenstein? [NEW]
Which 1 of the four given options is the fun fact virtually?
The Frankenstein answer may be about either "Frankenstein's Monster" or "Frankenstein—the doctor, that is"; the question bumper clarifies it.
Sequel to Kangaroo, Peanut, Albert Einstein, or Uranus? and Elephant, Mustard, Teddy Roosevelt, or Dracula?.

Data Minning.png

Data Mining [NEW]
Binjpipe needs help going through user information. Players are given a random ready of facts delivered and must make up one's mind... Whose search history is this?
Sequel to Funky Trash.

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Jack Attack ($1,000→$500→$100)
The final circular. When you see a right respond, tap it on your device; more than than one tin be right, and the sooner you tap it, the more money y'all make. Only if you lot guess wrong, you go cash taken away. And don't forget... REMEMBER THE Clue!

Easter Eggs/Subconscious Features

Gibberish Question Easter Egg

YDKJFS Fuck You Easter Egg.png

You Don't Know Jack: Total Stream is unique from other You Don't Know Jack games in the way it handles the "fuck you" Easter Egg. Instead of punishing the role player, the player instead receives on their device a long explanation of the history of the Easter Egg in the series. At the bottom of the description is a link to an unlisted YouTube video that serves much the same purpose, but ends with a chicken exploding. Information technology is also the only instance of the Easter Egg in the series with more than one response to the Easter Egg, with Cookie sometimes thanking the player for performing the Easter Egg or saying that he'south over it.

Rare Question Segues

  • Question two'southward segue has a hazard to have the angelic 2 sprout devil horns.
  • Question iv'due south segue has a chance for two unlike occurrences:
    • The phone that the 4 was looking at volition show that the 4 (named 4 Jr every bit pointed to past his necklace, implying the shot four is his dad) was watching previous "Question 4our" segments, including The Lost Aureate, Facebook, and 2011, Episode 27, where the lead 4 gets shot. ("The question that cares too much"). The text at the end of this segue is also a reference to iv'south tombstone, which said "The question that cared", and the first YDKJ, which also has the same segue music.
    • A second 4 will show up, this one with a Ned Flanders style mustache, a "#i Stepdad" trucker hat, and is in the Sagona font rather than the usual Franklin Gothic, with 4 Jr. backing off from him, equally if he's trying to hide what he's watching on his phone. ("The question that needs some infinite, Brian ")
  • There are multiple iterations of Question 7'due south segue where he says something different every time.
    • 50'asperge se moque de moi. Sept. — The asparagus is mocking me. Vii.
    • Mon béret a rétréci. Sept. — My beret shrunk. Vii.
    • Mes collègues sont des crétins.. Sept. — My colleagues are morons. 7.
    • Ma vie est un canard. Sept. — My life is a duck. Seven.
      • The French word canard (duck) can be used as a minced oath for connard (jerk, dick).
    • J'ai mangé tous les œufs. Sept. — I ate all the eggs. Seven.
    • Je trouve Jerry Lewis seulement légèrement amusant. Sept. — I notice Jerry Lewis only slightly amusing. Seven.

The Jack Set on Standoff

At that place is an alternate version of the 'Jack Assault' theme that has a small chance of playing. It is a dramatic recreation of the Y'all Don't Know Jack theme in a wild westward style reminiscent of "The Skilful, The Bad, and The Ugly." The music is non tied to any specific event or Jack Set on, and it is purely up to take chances as to whether it will play or not.

Special Episodes

While Full Stream lacks the episodic pre-fix format of the previous few You Don't Know Jack games, there are instances where questions will follow a set up theme and reference dorsum to previously asked questions for that game. These include Cookie maxim the proper name "Louis" over 100 times or bringing back Billy O'Brien for a 1-off appearance[2]. Questions may even be referenced post-game past an event that homages that question, usually in the form of 'Binjpipe Bonus Content.' Considering episodes are randomly generated off of an "episode skeleton" where question slots may be filled in with predetermined questions or randomly called, it is not possible to go two of these special episodes at one time in the same game.

There are likewise a handful of special episodes that have pre-determined Jack Attacks, and thus are considered unique independent episodes.

Frasier Frenzy

A special episode that starts at Question ane called "Fraiser? I Hardly Knew Her!" is the start of a themed episode that focuses heavily on the Tv sitcom Frasier. At kickoff, Cookie doesn't suspect anything, not even during the "I Hear the Blues A-Callin'" Dis Or Dat which asks for players to choose between 'tossed salad' and 'scrambled eggs.' By Question five - "Simply the Scrambled Eggs for Me", Cookie becomes aware that in that location have been multiple questions about Frasier but shrugs it off every bit a glitch in the organisation.

Question 8 - "I Like When She Torah Him a New 1" - Cookie realizes that information technology is another Frasier question. Upon reading out the punchline, Cookie complains about the questions and compares it to Book 1, stating that they hired younger writers for this game. Despite Question nine saying "I Accept Been Informed That Frasier Is Apparently Very Popular with Millennials", Cookie suspects that he is existence pranked by the older writers on staff. Question 10 is simply titled "Frasier," but Cookie merely sighs in annoyance and asks the question. After revealing the answer, he again complains and sarcastically says that the older staff tin can go home and back to binge watching Frasier.

However, the Frasier references continues into the Jack Attack - "Yous Are Here." At offset unassuming, Frasier appears every bit an respond to about every question and every fourth dimension is the right respond. The last ii prompts ask for events that happened on the prove itself (including Tom Gottlieb's brief advent as a hotel waiter in Season 7 "Hot Pursuit") every bit well equally questions that previously happened in this game.

Special Invitee! Jimmy Fallon

A special episode featuring an actual guest hosting multiple questions throughout: Jimmy Fallon. Jimmy first appears in Question two "Dated Material" and states that he is a fan of the game before request his question virtually what event happened on March 31st, 1889.

Jimmy seems to accept been intended to appear for only this question. Nonetheless by Question five "Jon Hamm on Rye", Jimmy suddenly reappears and asks if he can do another question. Cookie reluctantly allows him to ask the question, just so states that he was but booked for i question.

By the start of Round two, Jimmy has refused to go out and instead sticks around and makes himself a nuisance to Cookie. Cookie asks Jimmy to stay quiet as he reads Question 6 "Timothée Chalamet I Kiss Yous", but is constantly interrupted. Question vii "This Question Has No Subtext" asks near someone refusing to exit despite beingness requested to multiple times, hinting at Cookie's annoyance towards Jimmy. As Cookie reads out the answer, he places extra accent on the give-and-take "injured", and Jimmy asks why information technology is underlined, to which Cookie responds "It's Plan B."

For Question eight "Mental Blockbuster", Cookie reluctantly allows Jimmy to ask another question. However, Question ix "Hosting Etiquette" is a question brought in by Jimmy and asks what the Emerald Cockroach Wasp, a parasite, looks for in a "host". Cookie realizes that Jimmy is threatening him so the two hosts start fighting, and they go along to practice so into Question 10 "Due north'Sink". Somewhen, they concord to read the question and answers together in sync. Afterwards, Jimmy has his security come up in to take Cookie out of the studio, but not before asking if he can do the Jack Attack.

During the introduction to the Jack Assail "All The Single Messages", Jimmy is repeating what Cookie says afterwards him. Once the Jack Set on finishes, Jimmy gets on his motorbike, the two say their farewells and he leaves. Later, Cookie tearfully admits that he misses Jimmy already. During the credits, a "You Don't Know Jack Oldies Radio" segment hosted by Schmitty will first playing, before Jimmy Fallon suddenly appears and requests to play the Ubernöstrum commercial. Despite Schmitty's warnings, he impatiently pushes a button that plays the advert. This will and so exist followed up by a "Binjpipe Bonus Content" with bloopers from the game, including numerous other ways Jimmy Fallon could have left the studio.

Escape the Simulation

WARNING! Spoilers Alee
Frequently considered to be the season finale, in that location is a rare episode that reveals Binjpipe'due south dark secret and shatters the reality of the game. Information technology can be identified as early equally Question 4, which volition be titled "This Question Is Computer Generated" and asks a directly forrad question nearly movies in artificial realities. Afterwards, Cookie will glitch out while talking and repeat what he but said before realizing it.

At the outset of Round ii, all questions will be pre-determined. Question 6 "Some other Wacky Philosophy Question" has Cookie ask how Plato would describe his "hypothetical" suspicions well-nigh reality. Question 7 "Rip Van Wii-nkle" is yet some other straightforward question request which game does not start with the protagonist awakening from suspended animation. One of the bachelor answers is You Don't Know Jack: Full Stream. If selected, Cookie will kickoff to respond equally if it is the correct answer, just to then be told "by a vocalism in my caput" that information technology is incorrect.

Subsequently revealing the right answer, Cookie starts to get "That Weird Feeling Similar You're Missing Something That'due south Very Important." This is revealed to exist the category of Question 8 which is a Gibberish Question with the answer "Escape the Simulation." This in turn is the category of Question 9. Upon reading the category out loud, Cookie begins to suspect that reality no longer makes sense earlier suddenly waking upward to discover himself in a bizarre obsidian cube filling with liquid. He gain to ask a question about finding the volume of the cube with answers delivered in archetype You Don't Know Jack style.

As soon equally Question 10 "Move Dot Porgs" appears, Cookie refuses to read the title or play the game anymore, having been freaked out by what only happened. Information technology'southward at this point that the Vox of Binjpipe appears and talks to Cookie, indicating its sinister nature by proverb "Anybody is content." The question then transitions into a ''Binjpipe Recommends'' that states the Algorithm wishes to be real and absorb all man life... before turning it into a question about the full human being population, representing the number of people Binjpipe wants to "acquire" (written with quotation marks in the game itself). Cookie protests and wishes to leave, just the Vocalization refuses, stating that he is the game.

The Jack Attack "Escape the Simulation" starts, and finding himself hosting the game once again, Cookie makes an attempt to leave. The prompts in the Jack Set on are ominous warnings of Binjpipe's evil nature. Together, they read "Help! I'm in a prison! This is not a game! I'm going to die at the end! This is some kind of artificial intelligence!" The final part of the Jack Attack says "Here's the truth about You Don't Know Jack: Full Stream" and features 3 pairs of answers that contradict each other, with all the correct ones beingness "It has a terrible secret," "Binjpipe poses as a streaming service," and "Cookie is in danger."

Following the Jack Set on, Cookie questions why he can't end hosting the game. He says again that he is going to leave and put a stop to Binjpipe, simply to hear from the Voice of Binjpipe that this isn't the first time he has tried, and that every time he has been "reset" to forbid him from escaping. Cookie decides to leave himself a note to remind him of what happened, simply before he tin find a suitable pen, he is "reset" and so disabled past the Voice. The Vocalization then talks straight to the player, addressing them equally "dear consumers" and claiming that they are at one with the algorithm.

During the credits, a "Truth Talk 23/7" segment hosted by Nate Shapiro discusses the evil machinations of Binjpipe. Withal, Nate assures everyone that despite Binjpipe's intent, "they're very bad at it" and "wouldn't exist capable of absorbing any more than than 8 players (plus a maximum audience limit of 10,000)" and that everyone should be able to escape Binjpipe within 3 or 4 years... give or take 7000 years.


  • First time for Everything – Play a game with 5 or more players
  • Cracker Jack Attacker – Get max points on a Jack Attack, including speed bonuses
  • Everybody Gets Some – Screw 7 other players and the audience
  • This Is Why You Can't Play – Less than x% of the audience gets a question right. (In an audience of at least 5.)


  • This game replaces the usual ATF Franklin Gothic with ITC Franklin Gothic Bold, merely also features (and heavily uses) Sagona, besides subsequently used in Dictionarium.
  • https://world wide
  • [ane]


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