what xbox 360 games push the hardware to its limits


Nosotros all just about lose our heads when we receive bits of 'next generation' console news towards the end of a electric current console cycle. And for adept reason, at that stage the previous generation strains under the pressure to go on up with the PC format (yes, I know), as that gradually grows and improves when it comes to hardware. Question is: What game pushed the various consoles to their limits over the years? What game nigh had to make the bound to the next generation?

I'one thousand looking at the principal entries, and so don't look to see the 3DO, SEGA MEGA CD or Ouya making an advent. I'm also skipping the Atari 2600, because allow's be honest – ET won it hands downwards… #nonotreally

This calendar week we're moving on to the last generation, which should still be fresh in your heed.

Xbox 360


Today the Xbox 360 is withal potent and we're yet to meet some games launch on the console in 2014. Yet, we doubt that there's annihilation that will match the top game equally everything that'due south left is multiplatform and will likely go a glaze of "we've moved on to side by side gen anyway, and so nosotros don't really care" paint. The Xbox 360 is the longest-running console in a generation, having launched in 2005, which makes this decision rather tough.

Game: Halo 4


Watching Bungie hand the successful series over to 343 Industries was a painful event. Nosotros all expected the worst. How wrong we were. Halo 4 pushed the Xbox 360 to limits nosotros never imagined. The improvement from Halo 3 to Halo 4 was so groovy that information technology looked like outings from separate generations of consoles. They pushed the multiplayer even further with many customisation options and had some of the most visually impressive entrada moments that the Xbox 360 always witnessed. Bully for a ix-year erstwhile console.

Honourable Mentions: Forza Motorsport iv, Grand Theft Motorcar V

Nintendo Wii


The little console that could. In terms of tech this was on par with The GameCube, Xbox and PS2. Information technology was by far the weakest console in this generation when it came to specs, only there was ane game in item that all but crushed competition when it comes to pushing the limits of the Wii. Information technology perhaps did not have the shiny graphics of Super Mario Milky way ii, but the scale and artwork was incomparable.

Game: Xenoblade


In a generation where JRPG'south received the cold shoulder this was the 1 that stood out from the oversupply. The fantasy world was believable and the scale gigantic. How Monolith Soft packed the game on one DVD is across us. Everything from the story, correct through to the musical score eclipsed everything else on the Wii. The saddest function is that information technology launched towards the end of the consoles life, hence few people experienced the game that pushed old tech to look all shiny and new. Keep your eye out for the Wii U version.

Honourable Mentions: Super Mario Galaxy 2, Super Blast Bros. Brawl

PlayStation 3


After the success of the PS2 the PS3 had a hard time getting out of the gate. The Xbox 360 had launched a yr earlier and the Wii all but killed both consoles with the 'revolutionary' motion controls (in terms of sales). What the PS3 did accept, and at the end made it the SNES of modern times, is raw power under the hood. Once unlocked this horse could not be tamed. Naughty Canis familiaris were the first to unlock the ability with the release of Uncharted: Drake'due south Fortune. It was also upwards to them squeeze blood from a rock towards the stop.

Game: The Last of Us


The Remastered version of the game will be launching on the PS4 in the adjacent few weeks. Why'southward that? Wait at a few upgrades in the visuals and information technology's non THAT far from what you commencement experienced on the PS3. What Naughty Dog did with the PS3 should not have happened. It'due south comes down to them agreement the architecture of the PS3. The PS3 intestines were made up of compute units called SPU'due south. Naughty Dog found ways of efficiently dividing the calculations into little bite size chunks, and efficiently feeding them to the SPU'south. On Uncharted: Drake'due south Fortune they reached a mere 30% of that power, with The Last of United states of america being their bluish eyed boy. Information technology pushed the PS3 in more than i style. In terms of narrative information technology is difficult to discover anything that volition see tears running downwardly your cheek in nether an hour into the game.

Honourable Mentions: Uncharted three: Drake's Deception, Grand Theft Machine V

Do you agree? What game do y'all think pushed the last generation?

If you missed our previous entries you can catch Role i here, Part ii here, Part 3 and Part 4 here, where we cover all the mainstream consoles since the SEGA Master System.


Source: https://sagamer.co.za/2014/07/10/what-game-pushed-each-console-to-its-limits-part-5-of-5/#:~:text=Halo%204%20pushed%20the%20Xbox,from%20separate%20generations%20of%20consoles.

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